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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
How negative selection works
Define the set of patterns to be protected and call it the self- set (P). detectors (M) that will be responsible to identify all elements that do generate a set of nonself elements.
Generate random candidate elements (C)
Compare (match) the elements in C with the elements in P.
If a match occurs, i.e., if an element of P is recognised by an element of C,
then discard this C;
else store this element of C in the detector set M.
After generating the set of detectors (M)
Next stage of the algorithm consists in monitoring the system for the presence of nonself patterns.
assume a set P* of patterns to be protected. This set might be composed of the set P plus other new patterns, or it can be a completely novel set
Generate random candidate elements (C)
Compare (match) the elements in C with the elements in P.
If a match occurs, i.e., if an element of P is recognised by an element of C,
then discard this C;
else store this element of C in the detector set M.
After generating the set of detectors (M)
Next stage of the algorithm consists in monitoring the system for the presence of nonself patterns.
assume a set P* of patterns to be protected. This set might be composed of the set P plus other new patterns, or it can be a completely novel set
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